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Live Harmony

Live Harmony, literally "Live Harmony", is the latest project, in chronological order, created by Athena.

The idea, born several years ago, is the result of experiments and tests carried out in the field of biology and the interactions of living beings with electromagnetic fields, both natural and artificial.

Years of research and field tests have led Athena to put this new line of devices on the market, born with the intention of improving the quality of life of people, animals and plants and environments in general, protecting them from the continuous growth of pollution. electromagnetic by radio frequencies.

The principle of operation

The operating principle is based on the physical concept of harmonizing the phase of the electromagnetic field.

For a simple understanding we describe the electromagnetic field composed of three elements: two carry energy, and they are the electric and magnetic fields; the third element is called the phase, also called rhythm or resonance. This last element does not carry energy but only packets of information.

In artificial electromagnetic fields the phase is often altered (the pulsation is not regular, so to speak) and this generates disturbance at the cellular or intracellular level in living organisms.

Therefore, the disturbances produced by artificial electromagnetic fields are generated both by the two energetic components described above, which produce heating of the soft materials (brain, testicles, etc. of the human being) because they are composed almost 100% of water (it is the same principle of the microwave oven), but cause an even deeper disturbance, with the pulsating phase irregularly.  

Live Harmony devices intercept, within their programmed range of action, the altered phase and harmonize it. In this way, the harmful impact on the body is significantly reduced.

The demonstration of this effectiveness is testified by the people defined as electrosensitive who, wearing our devices, manage to lead an almost normal life even in the presence of strong electromagnetic pollution, such as 5G, radar in airports, apartment buildings with telephone antennas, etc.

On request we also produce documentation of particular tests (prodomal tests), conducted on different people, which show a clear improvement in one's energy field when protected by our Harmonia devices.

Electromagnetic pollution

From 1940 to today the electromagnetic natural background has increased by as much as 300,000 times, with enormous concern for scientists who, for years testing the effects of EMFs (electromagnetic fields) on small laboratory animals, discover irreversible biological damage, ranging from glioma ( tumor) to cardiovascular diseases and much more. A mobile phone in search of the signal reaches a power of 150 V / m.  

The Italian regulations, among the most precautionary at European level, indicate the maximum exposure threshold for no more than 4 hours at 6 V / m.

5G, which will allow the dream of connecting all objects to the world (Internet of Things) to come true, provides for coverage of the entire planet achieved thanks to the putting into orbit of over 20,000 new satellites, an operation still in progress and which is it will end in 2023. There will no longer be any corner of the Earth in which to take refuge in order not to be radiated by the frequencies. You will be connected in the heart of the Amazon as well as in the center of the Sahara.

The best thing, in order not to give up the advantages brought to society by these new systems, is to be able to protect ourselves, both with fixed systems installed in our homes and work environments, and with mobile systems, which allow us to protect ourselves when we are in a car or when we use devices that emit and receive EMF, such as smartphones.

HARMONIA devices,

dedicated to the protection of electromagnetic pollution


  • HARMONIA ELECTRON , for Smartphones and electronics connected with radio links, wi-fi, bluetooth.

  • HARMONIA PENDANT , device with 50 cm range of action, in brushed surgical steel.

  • HARMONIA PERSONAL , pocket-sized, with 250 cm range, for use in the car or for a room.

  • HARMONIA CASA , device with a 17 meter radius (900 m2 area).

  • HARMONIA INDUSTRIA , device with 45 meters of radius, for companies, farms, etc. (6,350 m2 covered).

Extract from the 5G Report broadcast

here you can see the entire episode.

Testimony of a person who is highly sensitive to electromagnetic fields.

I dispositivi HARMONIA,

dedicati alla protezione dell'inquinamento elettromagnetico


  • HARMONIA ELECTRON, per Smartphone e l’elettronica collegata con ponti radio, wi-fi, bluetooth.

  • HARMONIA CIONDOLO, dispositivo con 50 cm di raggio d’azione, in acciaio chirurgico spazzolato.

  • HARMONIA PERSONAL, tascabile, con 250 cm di raggio d’azione, per uso in macchina o per una camera.

  • HARMONIA CASA, dispositivo con 17 metri di raggio (900 m2 di area).

  • HARMONIA INDUSTRIA, dispositivo con 45 metri di raggio, per aziende, allevamenti, ecc. (6.350 m2 coperti).


Verifica del biocampo, eseguita su persone in presenza dei dispositivi della linea “Live Harmony”, prodotti da Atena srl.


I soggetti hanno eseguito i test usando telefoni cellulari in trasmissione, prima senza alcuna protezione, poi con dispositivo Harmonia Electron e infine con entrambi dispositivi Harmonia Electron e Harmonia Personal

 I risultati del test prodromico hanno evidenziato:

  1. 1. Incremento della Coerenza dell'emissione, cioè diminuzione del disordine e del degrado energetico.

  2. 2. L'energia vibrazionale e la Spectral Information Divergence localizzate per istogrammi mostrano una diminuzione delle variazioni di magnitudine.

  3. 3. Si rileva anche un minore affaticamento respiratorio, con respiri più lenti e meno profondi.

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ATENA srl.

Via Marzeno 65 - 48013 BRISIGHELLA - ITALY

VAT number IT 02518570391

Tel +39 337 2949115

Tel +39 0546  060600

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Device images are indicative. The devices can undergo small dimensional and ponderal variations.

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